Writer, teacher and Public Speaker

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Yellow Labs - God's Glory

I take a lot of pictures of my dog as she sleeps. I try in vain to capture her contentment with each snap. She can follow me into a room, and within seconds she will find the perfect spot and close her eyes. I've often accused her of faking it - "You can't be asleep ... no way." She is stoic, not even a flicker of the lids... Well, sometime.

Oswald Chamber's is quoted to have said. 'The Blue Jay honors God by just being a Blue Jay.'

My paraphrase is that the Yellow Labrador honors God by just being a Yellow Labrador.
Each day she effortlessly glorifies God by being exactly what He created her to be

My prayer is that I might learn to do the same: 

Delight myself in God in such a way that He will be delighted.

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